Sad Nuggie Holiday Coloring Contest

*Winners have been selected based on votes. All entries will be uploaded in the coming weeks*

Sad Nuggie Holiday coloring contest is now live! Choose a coloring page below and color it anyway you want! Lot's of prizes to be won! 

You can read the full set of rules below:

  • Choose one of the coloring sheets below. You may color it any way you like! (Digitally, markers, pencil crayons, paint, etc)
  • You can be any age and live anywhere in the world to enter
  • You may color more than one sheet but only one entry will be counted per person
  • You must submit your finished artwork to this email: (Please do not DM Sad Nuggie on instagram or any other social media as submissions may become lost)
  • If you need help saving an image or with any thing else please contact the Sad Nuggie team via email:
  • Contest starts Monday December 19th and submissions must be entered by Friday December 23rd.
  • Sad Nuggie team will be selecting 10 finalists who will then be voted on by the Sad Nuggie community via Instagram. The top 3 will a Sad Nuggie prize. (Prizes TBA)

Important Safety Notice

This contest is run by the official Sad Nuggie team. Below are the only verified accounts associated with this Sad Nuggie:

Sad Nuggie verified emails:


Official Sad Nuggie social media accounts:

If you receive any information from any other email or account regarding this contest please ignore them and report them to the Sad Nuggie team.

Choose an image below to color!


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